Cedar Landing Neighborhood

In Drayden, Saint Mary's County, Maryland


Schools Closest To Cedar Landing

Piney Point Elementary
4.0 miles from Cedar Landing

Park Hall Elementary
5.4 miles from Cedar Landing

Ridge Elementary
6.0 miles from Cedar Landing

Spring Ridge Middle
6.2 miles from Cedar Landing

Chesapeake Charter School
6.7 miles from Cedar Landing

Great Mills High
7.1 miles from Cedar Landing

George Washington Carver Elementary
7.2 miles from Cedar Landing

Lexington Park Elementary
7.9 miles from Cedar Landing

Greenview Knolls Elementary
9.4 miles from Cedar Landing

Esperanza Middle
10.2 miles from Cedar Landing


Cedar Landing Nearby Neighborhoods

Calloway Landing
1.6 miles from Cedar Landing

Carthagena Creek
1.9 miles from Cedar Landing

Saint George Island
2.0 miles from Cedar Landing

2.1 miles from Cedar Landing

2.2 miles from Cedar Landing

Piney Point
2.2 miles from Cedar Landing

Piney Point Shores
2.2 miles from Cedar Landing

Saint George Beach
2.3 miles from Cedar Landing

2.4 miles from Cedar Landing

Dutchmans Cove
2.4 miles from Cedar Landing


Airports Closest To Cedar Landing

Tappahannock Airport and Cafe
26.9 miles from Cedar Landing

Cambridge Dorchester Airport
35.8 miles from Cedar Landing

Crisfield and Somerset County
36.0 miles from Cedar Landing

Maryland Airport
45.7 miles from Cedar Landing

Potomac Airfield
49.6 miles from Cedar Landing

Sky Dive del Marva
50.3 miles from Cedar Landing

Talbot County Airport
50.8 miles from Cedar Landing

Accomack County Airport
51.9 miles from Cedar Landing

Wicomico County Airport
53.3 miles from Cedar Landing

Kentmorr Airpark
53.6 miles from Cedar Landing